Wednesday, July 24, at 5:30 & 7:30 PM
North Tabor Farm, Chilmark & The Grange Hall, West Tisbury

Dir. Ollie Becker | Documentary | U.S.A. | 2024 | 48 min.

Preceded by a catered dinner, by chef Chris Kronner, at North Tabor Farm; a discussion with director Ollie Becker will follow the screening at the Grange Hall

Tickets for the dinner are $300 each and include admission to the screening. Screening-only tickets are pay-what-you-can. Proceeds from the dinner will fund the making of the third and last episode of this docuseries.

In this second episode of Circuit Films’ Great Ponds docuseries, Martha’s Vineyard’s coastal ponds continue to be adversely affected by the rising sea-level and temperatures of climate change, and an influx of nitrogen from septic systems and landscaping runoff. In response, the Great Pond Foundation, the Vineyard Conservation Society, the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group, the Wampanoag Environmental Laboratory, and others make vital and cooperative efforts to revive the herring, shellfish, and eelgrass populations. While offering hope, this film urges the public to consider its nitrogen and carbon footprints, in relation to the ponds’ survival.